In compliance with Federal Law No. 13.709/2018, which instituted the GENERAL DATA PROTECTION LAW, BRAZILIAN GHOST, committed to respecting privacy, the inviolability of intimacy, honor and image, with human rights, free development of personality, dignity and the exercise of citizenship by natural persons, establishes its Privacy Policy, with the purpose of establishing the rules on the processing of personal data, especially regarding the information collected, in order to protect the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the users of the website https://www.brazilianghost.com/ .
Information stored in a file, used by the server to, on the computer or device, identify its user and record some information about its activity on the internet or files sent by the website server to the User's computer, in order to identify the computer and obtain access data, such as pages browsed or links clicked, thus allowing you to customize the use of the site, according to your profile
Abbreviation in English that stands for “Internet Protocol”, being a set of numbers that identifies the user's computer on the Internet;
Records of User activities carried out on the website;
Identification of the User's session in the registration process or when using the site in any way.
Everyone who starts using the site.
Original musical work, track, remix, intros, soundtracks, collabs, etc., available on the BRAZILIAN GHOST website.
Data and information will be obtained when the user uses the website, interacts with the various tools available and provides information voluntarily, as well as when contacting through the communication channels available on the website.
All data and information collected from users will be integrated into the website's database, making BRAZILIAN GHOST responsible and owner. The data and information collected will be stored in a secure environment, and can only be accessed by qualified persons authorized by BRAZILIAN GHOST.
BRAZILIAN GHOST undertakes not to share, sell or present user data to third parties, except to its partners. Considering that no security system is absolutely secure, BRAZILIAN GHOST disclaims any responsibility for any damages and/or losses arising from failures, viruses or invasions of the website's database.
The user is the owner of the data and is able to add, delete or modify any information that is linked to his user profile on BRAZILIAN GHOST, which is why the user declares to be aware of and agree to the collection, storage, processing, processing and use of the information sent and/or transmitted.
The data and information collected from Users may be used by BRAZILIAN GHOST for communications related to the activities of the website itself; respond to any queries and user requests; allow access to the restricted area of the website or its exclusive features; compliance with legal or judicial order; establish, defend or regularly exercise legal or administrative rights; prepare general statistics to identify the profile of users and develop campaigns for BRAZILIAN GHOST; ensure the safety of users; keep the records of users updated for contact purposes by any means of communication; inform about news, promotions and events of BRAZILIAN GHOST and its partners.
BRAZILIAN GHOST may record the activities carried out by the user on the website, through logs, including the user's IP address; actions performed by the user on the website; pages accessed by the user; dates and times of each action and access to each functionality of the website; session ID of the user, where applicable. The aforementioned records may be used by BRAZILIAN GHOST in cases of investigation of fraud or undue changes in its systems and records.
The website may use cookies, and the user is responsible for configuring their Internet browser if they wish to block them. In this case, some features of the website may be limited. Through the use of a cookie that identifies the user's navigation, the website will be able to recommend TRACKS and services. This recommendation varies depending on the user and their behavior within the site, being evaluated, for example, if there was only browsing or also purchase, which items were seen, searched or purchased by him and other users in similar browsing situations. Considering that this recommendation is generated from algorithms, its precision may not be exact, but it aims to suggest TRACKS that are in the user's interest, without the user having any obligation to acquire them.
The provisions of this PRIVACY POLICY may be updated or modified at any time, and it is up to the user to verify it whenever accessing the site. The user must get in touch in case of any doubt regarding the provisions contained in this Privacy Policy, through any means of contact available on the website.